Driver Settlement Management
Pro Feature
Keeping on top of your driver settlements can be complex. TruckingOffice support pay per mile, load percent, and manual pay. For more complex payment agreements TruckingOffice Pro includes driver contracts. This allows you to customize the split of fees to a driver based on a negotiated agreement.
On a regular cycle, you can pull a list of trips that have not been settled with driver. Once you choose the trips, a settlement is generated.
The settlements allow you to track the pay for all the trips connected to it. It also allows you to assign deductions to the settlement. Once you are done, you can print or email off a PDF that included both a summary, and all the details used to generate the settlement.
- Track which trips have been settled with a driver.
- Generate a PDF or print out that shows all the details of payment.
- Handle different payout agreements with different drivers.
- Never pay for the same trip twice.
- Owner operators are now as easy to handle as employees.
- All the details at your fingertips.