by TruckingOffice | Mar 4, 2019 | Organization, Trucking Software
The Battle to Organize Your Trucking Business When we talk to truckers, the first thing almost everyone says is this: “I need to organize my trucking business.” That’s what motivates them to look for trucking software. There are a lot of parts in...
by TruckingOffice | Feb 28, 2019 | Business Plan, Trucking Authority, Trucking Software
Building an Owner-Operator Trucking Business Plan Your business plan will have an executive summary a company overview a marketing plan a set of goals or milestones a list of the current staff a financial plan. TruckingOffice can help you as we break down each step of...
by TruckingOffice | Feb 25, 2019 | Business Plan, Trucking Authority, Trucking Software
Building an Owner-Operator Trucking Business Plan Your business plan will have an executive summary a company overview a marketing plan a set of goals or milestones a list of the current staff a financial plan. TruckingOffice can help you as we break down each step of...
by TruckingOffice | Feb 18, 2019 | Business Plan, Goal Setting, Trucking Authority, Trucking Management Software, Trucking Software
Building an Owner-Operator Trucking Business Plan Your business plan will have an executive summary a company overview a marketing plan a set of goals or milestones a list of the current staff a financial plan. TruckingOffice can help you as we break down each step of...
by TruckingOffice | Feb 11, 2019 | Business Plan, Customer Development, Trucking Authority, Trucking Software
Building an Owner-Operator Trucking Business Plan Your business plan will have an executive summary a company overview a marketing plan a set of goals or milestones a list of the current staff a financial plan. TruckingOffice can help you as we break down each step of...
by TruckingOffice | Feb 7, 2019 | Business Plan, Owner Operator, Trucking Authority, Trucking Management, Trucking Software
The trucking industry is responsible for transporting 70% of all freight in the United States. In 2021, this translates to over $930 billion in goods being hauled across the country on trucks every year. Does this sound like something you want to be a part of? If you...
by TruckingOffice | Feb 4, 2019 | Business Plan, Owner Operator, Trucking Authority, Trucking Management, Trucking Software
North America has had a lot of winter already this year. Record-breaking temperatures, blizzards, and now Ohio is expecting to get several days in the 50s with rain. It feels like it’s been a year already and it’s barely February. Did you have a plan...
by TruckingOffice | Jan 28, 2019 | IFTA Filing, Maintenance, Reports, Trucking Management, Trucking Software
We’ve been reading your comments on our blog posts (Hey! Thanks for reading!) and it’s clear that a fast IFTA program is important, but we’re getting a lot of people asking some pretty smart questions. They want more than just a fast IFTA program....
by TruckingOffice | Jan 21, 2019 | IFTA, Trucking Software
It’s January, so it’s IFTA month. You know the drill… File IFTA. Pay taxes. Go back on the road. But that’s not the only big news from TruckingOffice about IFTA this year. You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers: IFTA Resource...
by TruckingOffice | Jan 14, 2019 | IFTA, IFTA Filing, Trucking Software
IFTA was created to help truckers file their fuel taxes faster. IFTA the Old Fashioned Way It used to be that if a trucker drove through a state, the trucker needed a license on the vehicle and paid local fuel taxes to each state individually. For long-distance...
by TruckingOffice | Jan 7, 2019 | IFTA, IFTA Filing, Trucking Software
Did you have a good holiday season? Now that we’re into the New Year and the slower transportation season, and the IFTA is due in on January 31, maybe you’re working on your trucking business resolutions – especially about the IFTA. Trucking...
by TruckingOffice | Dec 20, 2018 | Trucking Software
The Best Owner-Operator Christmas gift At this time of year, all the family members of owner-operator truckers are trying to find the best gift for them. And they’re probably looking at Amazon right now trying to pick out the best gift for you. When a...
by TruckingOffice | Dec 10, 2018 | Trucking Software
Where did November go? If you’re like a lot of truckers, November was more miles than October and December is looking pretty good too. All that holiday shipping makes a big difference. So maybe you haven’t thought about next year’s IFTA sticker...
by TruckingOffice | Nov 26, 2018 | Customer Development, DOT Rules and Regulations, IFTA, IRP, Reports, Trucking Software
Cyber Monday – where every online company has sales to push this one day of the year. We’re not going to miss it either. TruckingOffice CYBER MONDAY SALE Whether you’re looking for yourself or the trucker in your life, trucking management software is...
by TruckingOffice | Oct 29, 2018 | IFTA Filing, Trucking Software
It’s almost Halloween and your IFTA is due. Which is scarier? Your IFTA is due on October 31. Are you ready? All those numbers you’ve been saving up since July 1st. It’s crunch time, as in it’s time to crunch the numbers. If a trucker is...
by TruckingOffice | Oct 22, 2018 | Trucking Software
The old joke about hockey is that it’s a fight with a game breaking out. If that’s the case, then trucking is a tax season with driving filling the gaps. IFTA follows us all year long, taking our time and can ruin a completely good weekend by keeping us...
by TruckingOffice | Oct 15, 2018 | Trucking Software
Last week, we said “GO TRIBE!” and we went to look at the trophy. (Did you know there was a trophy?) Every team is represented with a pennant. All are part of the whole Major League Baseball. When we think of all the parts of running a trucking...
by TruckingOffice | Oct 1, 2018 | IFTA, Trucking Software
It’s time to file the IFTA forms again. Are you looking for trucking IFTA software that will do it for you? If you’re an owner-operator, then you need more than just IFTA software. Trucking IFTA Software IFTA is only one part of trucking. It’s not...
by TruckingOffice | Sep 24, 2018 | IFTA, Trucking Software
October is coming – and so is the IFTA. Are you looking for easy IFTA software? Is that enough? Easy IFTA software Honestly, easy IFTA software was the first thing we planned when we built TruckingOffice. Truckers have had to spend too much time taking care of...
by TruckingOffice | Sep 17, 2018 | LTL, Trucking Software
It’s a simple idea: if a truck is half empty, fill it with more freight to make more money. Is there a simple LTL shipping software to help truckers do just that? Simple LTL Shipping We’re seeing a big surge in the trucking industry right now. With the...
by TruckingOffice | Sep 10, 2018 | Trucking Software
Driving down I-77 yesterday behind a tanker, we noticed that each of the four mudflaps had a different trucking emergency service listed. It made me worry about the truck. How many times has it been serviced? What do those truck maintenance records look like?...
by TruckingOffice | Sep 4, 2018 | Trucking Software
We talk a lot about TruckingOffice’s extras. We spend a lot of time talking about IFTA and about truck maintenance. But the core of TruckingOffice is to be an easy trucking invoicing program. After all, if we can’t do that, nothing else matters. Easy...
by TruckingOffice | Aug 20, 2018 | Trucking Software
Looking for ELD data that fleet managers can use? One of the key tasks of a fleet manager is to track the hours of a trucker to make sure they don’t go over the HOS restrictions. Back in the days of paper logs, a fleet manager had to wait until the logs were...
by TruckingOffice | Jul 23, 2018 | IFTA, IFTA Filing, Trucking Software
What Documentation for Filing IFTA Reports is Required? Do you know what you need for documentation for filing IFTA taxes? Each carrier is required to keep all receipts, either hard copy or electronic. The fuel tax payments must be submitted four times a year (each...
by TruckingOffice | Jul 16, 2018 | Trucking Software
TruckingOffice or QuickBooks? We’ve created a little test we call TruckingOffice or QuickBooks. Let’s see which program is going to work best for you. Is accounting the only thing an owner-operator needs a computer program to do? Obviously not. ...
by TruckingOffice | Jul 9, 2018 | Trucking Software
Truckers who have tried to make Quickbooks work for trucking often say one thing. I will never use QuickBooks for trucking ever again. You can guess what their experiences were like. For owner-operators, it’s an obvious choice for the billing part of trucking. ...
by TruckingOffice | Jul 2, 2018 | Trucking Software
Is Quickbooks for trucking the right program for the IFTA? Think of your trucking business like a hamburger fresh off the grill. You cooked it just the way you want. The bun is waiting, the burger is still steaming and it’s time to add the ketchup and mustard...
by TruckingOffice | Jun 18, 2018 | Trucking Software
Where do you go from here? Once you get the load, either from a load board or an established customer, you’ve got to decide the route to take to deliver it. As we see it, there are two choices: the old way with maps or the modern way with truck routing software like...
by TruckingOffice | Jun 11, 2018 | Trucking Software
Some of us pay the IFTA taxes quarterly. That’s not fun. Some of us pay the quarterly income taxes. That’s also not fun. Fortunately, they’re not the same month. The trucking industry pays a lot of taxes. Fuel tax at the pump IFTA 4 times per...
by TruckingOffice | Jun 4, 2018 | CVSA, Trucking Software
The annual CVSA Roadcheck is early this year – May 17-19, 2022. Are you taking the week off? Shippers Remember A quick conversation recently showed me that one of the largest companies in northeastern USA is aware of truckers who take this week off. “We...
by TruckingOffice | May 28, 2018 | Trucking Software
In remembrance of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and with thanks to those who loved them.
by Allen Campbell | Apr 30, 2018 | IFTA, Trucking Software
We Have to File the IFTA As the IFTA filings are moving online – most states and jurisdictions expect payment via credit card or debit card online now – we might as well face it. The IFTA is forcing us to use computers. For newer, younger drivers,...
by Allen Campbell | Mar 21, 2018 | ELD, Trucking Software
An electronic logging device, or ELD, is more than just a tool to record your hours and mileage. From here on out, it’s going to be a permanent part of your work, and as such, it should come with real, measurable value. Want to make sure your electronic logging device...
by TruckingOffice | Jan 8, 2018 | IFTA, IFTA Filing, Invoice, Maintenance, Owner Operator, Reports, Taxes, Trucking Management, Trucking Software
What happens if you don’t file the IFTA? Do you really want to know? The consequences to not filing start at mildly annoying and move up to painful and expensive. The citation is only the first step. Tickets costs vary from state to state, but the fines will...
by TruckingOffice | Dec 31, 2017 | Trucking Software
by TruckingOffice | Dec 25, 2017 | Trucking Software
by TruckingOffice | Dec 2, 2017 | ELD, Electronic Logging Device, IFTA, Reports, Trucking Management, Trucking Software
We saw this article about the ELD delay request from Indiana. It seems that the attorney general is questioning the validity of self-certification of the ELD equipment currently on the market. We know that older electronic logging devices don’t comply with the...
by TruckingOffice | Sep 14, 2017 | IFTA, Maintenance, Taxes, Trucking Management Software, Trucking Software
We get calls asking about our app sometimes. “It’s not an app,” we say. “It’s a web-based software program. You can access from anywhere you have an Internet connection.” A lot of people don’t understand that....
by TruckingOffice | Jul 4, 2017 | Trucking Software
We hope all truckers are at home and enjoying the holiday off the road! We’ll be back in the office tomorrow when you’re getting back on the road. Happy Birthday...
by TruckingOffice | May 15, 2017 | ELD, Electronic Logging Device, Trucking Software
Are You Running a Small Fleet? Are You Thinking About Buying Another Truck? If you’re running a small trucking fleet, you already know the challenges of moving freight. But there are a few other duties you have to take care of too. Building up your client...
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