If you’re starting a truck freight brokerage business, you’re starting an exciting adventure. Lots of challenges, but potentially very profitable – as long as you can control the chaos. Staying organized is key to sticking with your new business when things get tough. Juggling communication with the drivers, handling the finances, and tracking your own business can feel like you’re keeping a chainsaw, bowling ball, and a knife in the air.
It doesn’t have to be that scary. Use the right software to keep your company organized and you’ll find yourself successful.
What you need is brokerage software to start organized and to stay that way. When you have a streamlined process, starting and succeeding with a truck freight brokerage business will be far more likely.
Communicating with Drivers
At the core of any truck freight brokerage business, the broker is providing a service. That’s obvious, right? We might think the most important contact is the shipper since they’re the one who’s paying.
But it’s the driver. It’s the person who’s transporting the goods. It’s also the person who may be the hardest to get a hold of. With mobile phones, it’s gotten so much easier, but if you don’t have that contact number, it doesn’t matter how easy it is.
Keeping track of drivers is important – not just when they’re hauling truck freight for you. When you need the driver you trust for a load, you have to be able to find them. If you know a driver with specific equipment for a specialty load or one you know will be close to the pickup location, then you have to be able to find them quickly.
TruckingOffice Brokerage software keeps those contacts organized and at your fingertips. Better than Google Contacts, you can keep notes about the truckers you love – and those you don’t.

Freight Truck Brokerage Software Tracks the Money
Freight truck brokers are the middlemen who make the logistics industry work. Wherever there’s a middleman, there’s a chance of important documents or worse, money, getting lost. Drivers want to be paid in a timely fashion (ok, they want paid yesterday) and that shipper might want to delay that payment as long as possible.
The broker has to manage both. Problems at either end can delay payments to you or to the driver.
Freight brokerage software is the key to track all those payments. “Follow the money” is a lot easier when the trail is easy to access. Software makes it easy to find and see what problem require attention.
Your Truck Freight Business
You are in business to make money. Brokering freight isn’t something you do in your spare time out of the goodness of your heart. Managing the movement of many critical products is vital business – and you deserve to make a living for doing it.
Managing your invoices and payments can be complicated. And it might seem like the best way to do all that is with an accounting program. But trucking has its own way of billing clients and paying employees. Using software designed for the trucking industry makes sense rather than using two software packages, even if they can work together. Why pay for two when one will do?
Proven Software
TruckingOffice Brokerage Software may look new, but we’ve seen small, independent trucking companies use TruckingOffice trucking management software to run their brokerage business for years. Now that we’ve refined it for you, our truck freight brokerage software is the ideal product to help you run your brokerage business and succeed.
Contact us now for a free trial!

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