Have you heard about Highway.com? This new company says it offers information about carriers, such as their trucking authority, their DOT number, proof of insurance, that sort of thing. Not a bad idea – we’ve all heard about fraudsters in the trucking industry. A single website sign-up? That makes sense.
The highway’s purpose is to assure shippers that their loads are safe and not at risk of theft or being held for ransom. They say they want to help brokers by providing accurate and up-to-date information about trucking companies.
Some of that data includes
- instant visibility into a carrier’s verified fleet
- compares carrier equipment ages to peers
- location insights – find a carrier within a 5-minute walk of a broker
- operation insights – identify carriers with a low inspection-to-truck count
- catch a carrier using another carrier’s equipment.
So how is Highway.com doing it?
Highway.com’s stated purpose is to verify carriers’ identities. Trucking companies and independent owner operators sign up with Highway.com to gain access to certain loads. Some brokers say they won’t work with a trucking company unless it has signed up with Highway.com.
Most truckers don’t see a problem with this. They go online and sign up. The onboarding process looks simple enough.
Until they get to this one point.
They want access to your ELD data. You’re asked to submit your ELD access information, using a special API key. Which will give them access to truck vin and location info all of the time.

Not even the DOT gets your ELD data all the time.
The DOT doesn’t even have access unless they request an inspection file. Then they only get the inspection file. They do not have full unlimited access.
Highway.com requests access to your ELD. That has nothing to do with identity. Once they access the ELD they have full access all the time to all of your truck locations.
Who owns your ELD data?
The US government requires that we have ELDs in our trucks. They have a list of ELDs that meet the requirements. Periodically, they will announce a product that isn’t compliant with the FMCSA standards. This is important.
The government doesn’t ask for your ID and password to access your ELD data.
Here’s the deal: Highway.com wants your truck locations all of the time. Not just to verify identity one time, or for just one load at a time.
Some ELD companies collect this data. Some ELD companies sell this data.
TruckingOffice does not sell your data.
Your email and all other information about your company is safe with us.
Do you have a problem with a company compiling more data than the government does? How do you feel about a private company collecting and likely analyses of your data?
Data mining isn’t limited to Google tracking your cookies anymore. Highway.com’s website says that they don’t sell data. In their Privacy Policy, they say
We may use aggregated (anonymized) information about our End Users, and information that does not identify any individual, without restriction.
Just because it doesn’t identify you… does that make it okay? We all know that companies change their policies. What if Highway.com changes theirs?
These are just some things we’re thinking about. What do you think about Highway.com?

Update 10-15-2024
TruckingOffice ELD now provides users the ability to generate an API Key that they can be provide to Highway for those users that are doing business with them. It is located in the profile section in the compay info. After providing Highway with the API Key they will send a requested to the TruckingOffice servers and retrieve a list of all trucks in the ELD account. Then they will send a request for location for each truck. They then monitor this connection by requesting the truck list and locations routinely.
The problem is that the Highway.com does not populate information from FMCSA or USDOT
when you have an issue they can not explain how to resolve issue or offer any advice. I feel that this will cause more fraud since the data is not matching FMCSA data.
We have canceled three load because of Highway’s intrusive requirements. On the the third load, I asked the broker, what happens to the tracking after a load is delivered? He said Highway tracks you as long as ELD is active. This is where another issue arrises, Highway wants all your credentials: Title, Lease, or Sales Contract for your equipment, Cab Card and driver’s license. What about the owner operators’ rights to privacy
? Isn’t such request by a third party company too overreaching and intrusive? What else does a private company has to protect itself from the competitors, the mega trucking companies in particular? What if all those datasets get into the wrong hands?
Here is another important info about Highway – this company is funded by Reliance Partners, an Insurance company. Reliance Partners is funded by Lamp Post Group, and Carousel Capitals. One of the top guys along the chain of command used to be one of the main guys at UPS.
Also, Armstrong Transport is parts of the assets they invest in. I strongly believe that Highway is not only what it purports itself to be to the carriers. The data it’s collecting from the carriers is used for more than it promises, and is serving other intrests which might be detriment to the carriers down the line.
This is practically a persecution of the integrity and privacy of all truckers if you are not integrated into Highway they will not give you loads two options to get out of this business or get out of this oppressive boot
I’m under the belief that this is invasion of privacy! If this is what booking loads is going to be in the future I think it’s time to take my rocking chair money! Highway is asking for more information than is asked for at a level 3 inspection! Plus this destroys 30 years of on time deliveries and long term relationships I don’t believe they are not selling the information either
I’m looking for Partners, who can join me to fight a Legal battle against Highway.com.
If you are interested than please contact me at 310-280-6579
Wow thank you more reasons why not to like .
highway is garbage they also cancelled loads on us because of highway. Some scammers try to book a load under our name and now its red flagged in highway because of double brokering. i explain them it wasn’t us and they still insists they cant do anything . i told them show me a proof . not a word from them. they are worthless people just sitting behind the desk.
Would you like to join me to fight a Legal battle against Highway.com polices. IF so, please contact me at 310-280-6579.
Let’s fight together and let them know what Small trucking companies are going through due to there Companies policies.
I’m under the belief that this is invasion of privacy! If this is what booking loads is going to be in the future I think it’s time to take my rocking chair money! Highway is asking for more information than is asked for at a level 3 inspection! Plus this destroys 30 years of on time deliveries and long term relationships I don’t believe they are not selling the information either
Highway Carrier OnBoarding is hard to work with.
Brokers never ever should work with them.
I had to get a new phone service because of them and now have 2 different phones number which is useless.
Can’t even edit your own personal info in the web.
They make is so hard for Carriers to register. Their Customer Services on the phone were ALL OverSea and can barely Speak English.
Just Hoping Brokers stop working with them.
Guillermo 01/17 /2024 very upset with highway, what they’re doing to all companies and drivers trying to get a load to make a living highway is offering e. LB tracking to all the companies passing the bill to us enforciness to get a new E. LD they’re comparable with them? I have garmin. For the last 15 years, I call garmin to give me the app is to get in. They told me no, that will never happen. Because highway, it’s a little company. In Garvin, it’s got govern contracts. We’re not allowed to give anything about garmin or anything. How to get into our system? In highway, just wants to do and take customers away. Front other companies micropoint, crocodools. I am arez taking customers by offering pre, e, l, d, but they’re forciness to get new e. Lds, which that creates a new charge for our companies, so we’re gonna have to start charging. Highway for the service. Also, highway is using in Armstrong. Are using this information 24/7, even if he’s not in the load, the tracking you about your cap car driver license insurances, everything which I don’t mind providing those things, but they’re gonna have to pay me for my tracking. He didn’t want to track me. It’s not fair that they’re giving it to the companies free. When it’s illegal, what basically to give them add my information who knows what they’re doing with it is my private information, no, even afmc audio. T only they had that information when I get pulled over on scales, only But they don’t track you 24/7 like highway wants to do nordiweek micro micropoint are tracking tools or FI. M. R, s, they don’t do those things. Highway cannot provide free when we have to pay for it. But they’re gonna have to pay us for the service too. They’re passing the bill to us. And it’s not fair that we have to pay for it. When brokers are not paying good for loads right now? That’s it is. We submit the proper documentation to prove who we are. Why don’t they have to use my capcar? All all the things that they are asking for with the ELD because they want to keep you monitor all the time to see what you’re doing out there. And that’s private to me, and I hope he’s private to all the drivers too. Thank you for listening to me. Drivers don’t let high we do this, do you?
Suddenly over half of the brokers in my Highway account are “Access Denied” due to a “Failed Assessment” by Highway. ABSOLUTELY nothing has changed on my end from the time I became linked to Highway nearly two years ago. I am not hazmat certified, I do not offer Power Only, I do not have a refrigerated trailer, but these areas and few others I do not completely understand are the fail points. What makes matters worse is when I call Highway I am routed to a call center in Mexico; the reception is poor and the accents are thick which makes for a frustrating conversation. Highway put the failed assessment back on the brokers, so now I am awaiting responses from the brokers to my emails. I am not hopeful they will respond.
Did you find out the problem finally?
We have a similar situation and in our case the issue came to be that a broker falsely reported us for double brokering.Highway wont tell us what broker did it and has to go out of way to find out from other sources.
How did you resolve the double brokering false report?
I have absolutely the sane situation like yours. I spoke with probably 200 of them emailed, even more than that. I think we need to combine our efforts to fight against them. My name is Aida at 6308859443
Hello Aida, I agree. My name is Jai at 678-609-8560. We are ELD exempt but can no longer access many of our customers that we’ve worked with for years. Highway is a huge inconvenience to carriers as they don’t even have an option for ELD exempt. I can’t even move forward with my submission without connecting the ELD.
I am Eld exempt also, there is an option for you to provide highway with your truck title, cab card, and drivers license. I actually had to call and send several emails to get the problem fixed. If you are rejected by highway for any reason brokers have the ability to over ride the system.
Im sick of highway and I want to fight
I am looking into taking legal action. I want to fight. Let’s talk and put something together.
Hey Leta
I’m with you in this Fight. Let’s work together.
This is Manpreet. I’m going to take Legal action again Highway.com Looking for Others who wants to join me in this Battle. Because of Highway’s Stupid Policies, we are not able to do Business with Brokers and been loosing Revenue.
I have to Shut down the Company now because of them. They can’t even Fix the Problem and neither tells you the solution how to fix it.
I have contacted them several times but seems like they don’t even know what they have been doing.
You can contact me via Text or Call at 310-280-6579.
Highway and the brokers refuse to discuss security aspects for the information about copies of equipment titles, copies of drivers license with signatures etc. So a carrier has no idea how this information is treated, who has access etc. Eventually this will lead to title fraud and identity theft.
Highway claims they don’t retain the information/copies and that they just pass them on to the brokers. The brokers claim that they don’t receive anything except a thumbs up or down from Highway. So already one of the parties in this process is lying to you. All of this just to haul their cheap freight.
The freight theft problem is of their own making by trying to make everything just a couple of clicks on a computer or phone. They and the shippers do little to nothing to verify the truck and the driver they are loading. Ask yourself “When was the last time a shipper actually got up from his desk in the shipping office and went out and looked at the information on the truck or had the forklift driver do it prior to loading?” Larger shippers may have a security guard but many don’t and as long as you have the pickup number or know where you’re going the shipper just loads the truck. Then bellyaches when the load disappears. Maybe that’s the service you deserve when you want cheap.
I think the small carriers should document every time a broker doesn’t give you a load because of Highways unverified information they provide about your company. We need to get all the documentation collected and file a multi million dollar lawsuit for revenue lost because of there false data.
Lets connect and work on that, because they did it to me the same thing
That’s a fact!
lets do it.
Highway is horrible 3 companies already cancel loads on me because highway.
Broker refused to book a load with me today because my ELD does not integrate with Highway. Needless to say Highway flagged us for not using a compliant ELD. We use Garmin ELD which is FMCSA compliant and it does not keep my data and it does not charge me monthly usage fee.
Why does Highway need my ELD data and why do they need access to my ELD data to verify who I am.
Isn’t Highway/broker requiring more than what’s legally reasonable?
We really need to start a petition against Highway and their abusive practices…perhaps on Change.org.
I’m calling OOIDA!
what did they tell you? I am willing to call them as well. Did you speak to anyone specific?
I am William. I am very upset with highway. What is doing to all the drivers? They are offering free tracking 2. The company’s in passing the bill to us. It’s not fair when the offering for free. So if that’s what’s gonna happen, and also they are i got garmin for the last 15 years, which I never had any problem in the scales or any in. Spections, I provide since 2017, all information at scales AFC everywhere, my insurance company the highway is taking the customers phron. Macropoin, truck tools. I am Maris. Improviding to the customers free EO, D. Well, they’re forcing me to get another e. LD which I’m going to be monitor 24/7. Including when I am not in any loads for any company. They’re selling my private information by cap kar insurance. The driver license everything to other companies to keep it tracking all the time. I don’t mind, but I gonna have to charge him because I have to pay for the new service. So I’ll have to charge highway or the broker for using my ELD if I have to provide it. So it’s not fair that we can’t hold for a lot of the companies now they’re holding it from holding, because we don’t have the eel d. I call garmin, and I told him, how can highway monitor my garment? They told me not we’re not going to release that information that is information that we cannot provide to anybody because we have government contracts. And it’s illegal for us to provide that information to a little company like highway, it’s making it. Everybody lies miserable to all the drivers. Drivers up there if they ask you to get a new e. LD charging for that because you’re gonna have to pay for that. They’re not charging the customer. They’re offering the customer for free. You can’t get through through the application to whole loads for customers because of that reason, so it’s not fair to ask the drivers or companies. For us to pay another bill as it is. We get in charge for lumper. Ef has checks or come checks. We get in charge in some cases. In some cases, the charges $100 for no tracking. If we don’t track they’ll give us the money back at the end of the load. But they charging us $100 out of day. Until you deliver the load so drivers don’t let highway get over with this, get on it. Start charging highway for U uses of your new ELD cuz, you gotta pay for it.
lets do it. please
I am a one man operation that dispatches 6-8 owner ops at any given time. I have access to their registered emails and fill out packets. HIGHWAY has a problem that they do not want to address. I was signed in to one of my carriers (carrier A) Motive account on google chrome and must have filled out a packet for an other carrier (carrier B) on the same google chrome. Highway picked up the info from carrier A and flagged carrier B’s highway profile for having additional VINs associated. Resulting from load not being booked because broker could not proceed. I have emailed HIGHWAY extensively and they just keep giving me the run around. I have been 100% transparent and offered whatever information they need to remove the flag, they wont do it. What can we do as a community to stop HIGHWAY from these abusive practices?
Highway has cost me several 1000 dollars in lost revenue based on their information. I’m ELD exempt and lost several loads with brokers I’ve previously worked with .
The eld access is overreach. The Fmcsa can only access the data when requested. Eld tracking 24/7 is a privacy violation. They have access to your location, speed, hours of service all of the time. While they say it is 3rd party, something to really stress, it can. Be subpoenaed. Highway will give any and all information. Secondly, there are still some of us that run eld exempt trucks. I have attempted several times to apply the exemption but the want a photo of your cab card, each drivers id, and title of vehicle. This information, especially photo of a vehicle title is beyond privacy limits. A lost title, abandoned vehicle title can be obtained in another state by anyone during a data breach or crooked employee and the owner would have no notification or idea that it has happened. The certificate of insurance has the vin numbers to insured vehicles just as a title does. It should be sufficient, especially for 1 truck operations. The cab card also has the vin number. How will a copy of a title stop any double brokering? Basically, I tell brokers I’m eld exempt and if they can’t check the exempt ok box for my setup I will not do the load. I completely understand the safety behind verification, but the privacy behind their request steps over the line. RMIS does the same thing through Truckstop.com with zero hassles.
Highway is nothing but another way to invade people’s & company’s privacy & is nothing but another way to get spied on! I have been in this industry for over 30 years & this deal with highway is an insult & another way for someone else to make money off the industry! I don’t deal with brokers much & haul direct but there are times when I do have to deal with a broker & all this does is hold up trucks trying to load! Someone needs to realize this scam & shut them down! I should NEVER EVER have to produce a registration, title or drivers dl to my own truck & drivers to anyone just to be able to haul a load!!! I don’t understand why the trucking industry is allowing this farce!! If my company is in compliance with the FMCSA & my insurance sends you a certificate then that should be all you need!!
I am William.
I have several problems with Highway. I have had Garmin ELD for the last ten years, and never had a single issue with inspections, scales, or DOT. They have always asked for the previous seven days and I was able to provide it to their email with no issues whatsoever.
Now, I am trying to sign into Highway. I have encountered one issue after another with this company because Garmin is incompatible.
Highway requested my IP adress, so I called Garmin. Garmin stated that they will NOT release the IP adress because they have government contracts. I was told the IP adress will allow access into thier technology which could be sold to forieghn governments. Therefore, Garmin says it would be illegal to provide the IP adress.
Garmin told me to ask Highway to show me the law that states I must provide my IP adress. Highway, If this is the law, please show me where it is stated. Where does it say I must provide my IP adress?
I was also told by different people that Highway was founded by investors, insurance companies and several trucking companies. What do these people need my PRIVATE information for? People are saying that this information is being sold illegally. This is very concerning. I demand that Highway stop this immediately. I do NOT consent to the collection or sales of any of my private information for ANY reason.
Due to these allegations, Highway should seriously be investigated.I am losing a lot of revenue. I am not the only one in this situation. Thousands of other drivers are facing the same issues.
All drivers- WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! It is unfair for us to lose revenue because of this company. We are the backbone of this country and it’s economy. We work HARD for our money, so please drivers, let’s stand together and do something about it!
I can be reached at 623.218.8186
ok all of as have higways problems lets go and star complait to this hakers lets contact OIDA or smme union it is in off
Highway… I have had my MC for 2 years… Since my MC was revoked for a few weeks… they have in their system that my MC is younger than 365 days . FMCSA also email them sending my MC authority paperwork and they will not fix the problem. Because they will not fix the problem, they are making it really hard for my business to make money. I’m thinking about getting my lawyers involved. They need to fix their system.
Highway cost me revenue today. Booked 2 loads with a new broker, we exchanged information, we worked out a contract that satisfied theirs and my terms, which benefitted us both.
This broker uses Highway and sent me a sign up. Once complete, I get a message from the broker that they can’t use me. Highway sent a message to the broker stating the name of my company does not match the EIN number. Highway won’t explain in person, but rather they send you a message with a link to send the a email, stating the issue so, they can look into it. My name on my EiN has been the same since forming my company. This not only hurts my company but also hurts the brokers.
What can we do about legally? As owner operator we are loosing loads on this low type of market.