If you’re wondering why you need trucking maintenance software, then take just a second to do a search on Google for “18 wheeler accidents.” You’ll find page after page of law firms across the country that specialize in suing fleet owners or single truck owner-operators. Those attorneys make a very good living taking folks like you to court.
In a way, though, you can’t blame them. Lack of big rig maintenance is a huge factor in hundreds of highway accidents every year. There are so many things that can contribute to an 18-wheeler becoming a safety hazard. Cracked brake hoses, loose suspension parts, and worn tires are just three of the dozens of things that require checking on a regular basis.
As you know, the DOT requires you to keep strict records of all maintenance you do on your rig(s). But did you know that little things could be costing you big bucks? For example, improperly inflated tires create more road drag, making your MPGs drop and hitting you right in the wallet. With the cost of fuel these days, you need to save every penny you can.
That’s why you should strongly consider using TruckingOffice’s trucking maintenance software. It takes the guesswork out of maintenance tasks. You’ll know at a glance if it’s time for a safety inspection, oil change, or other work. Maintenance will get done on time, every time. Not only will this save you money and keep you and other drivers safe, it will fulfill DOT requirements and give you evidence to back up your side of the story, should you end up in court.
You can take a tour of our software for free. See just how much easier TruckingOffice can make running your business! Then contact us to see how easy it is to use and install. We look forward to earning your business!
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