Saskatchewan IFTA Information
Saskatchewan or the “Prairie Province” is located in Central Canada and is currently home to more than a million people. In order to receive an IFTA license in this province you must provide a completed application to the Revenue Division. There is an annual license fee of $65.00 and an additional $2.00 per set of decals. Each qualified vehicle is required to have a one set of decals.
Requirements for IFTA Saskatchewan Licensing
Every IFTA member jurisdiction requires truckers to apply for a permit for interjurisdictional operation within Canada or the United States. Although the International Fuel Tax Agreement seems complex, it was designed to benefit drivers. Below are some of the main points of the IFTA Saskatchewan licensing process.
Your first step is to declare a base jurisdiction. Saskatchewan will be your base jurisdiction if your business is located in the province and all operational controls and records are maintained in and can be made available to the province. You also need to determine whether your vehicle(s) qualify for a permit. A qualified motor vehicle is defined as one that is designed, used, and maintained for transporting persons or property. You can find a complete list of other vehicle requirements here. The IFTA also allows a few vehicle exemptions which are listed here.
When you receive your IFTA permit and IFTA decals, you’re all set to get behind the wheel and start earning some money. Make sure you always carry a copy of the permit (license) inside the vehicle(s), and one IFTA decal should be affixed to each side of the cab’s exterior.
As an IFTA licensee, you’re required to submit quarterly fuel use reports to your base jurisdiction. You should keep all receipts and other documents that support fuel purchased and mileage accrued in each jurisdiction. This information will be needed when you file the quarterly report. The IFTA quarterly tax schedule is as follows:
Quarterly IFTA Due Dates |
Q1 January – March | April 30 |
Q2 April – June | July 31 |
Q3 July – September | October 31 |
Q4 October – December | January 31 |
It’s imperative that you submit the reports before the due dates to avoid fines or penalties. Delinquency can result in a penalty of 10% of the total tax liability, or $50, whichever is greater. If you are late or fail to make the required payments, your IFTA license cannot be renewed.
Renewing Your Saskatchewan License
Your IFTA Saskatchewan license is valid for one year and expires on December 31st. Make sure you are compliant with the IFTA taxes as mentioned above and submit your IFTA sticker renewal application before November 30th. You may file for an extension if needed. However, it will not apply if you haven’t submitted the IFTA renewal application on time. For your convenience, you may apply for the renewal online at this website.
If your IFTA decals are lost, stolen, or damaged, you can obtain an IFTA sticker replacement at an additional cost.
Are you beginning to wonder what you’ve gotten yourself into? No worries. We realize that this is a lot of information to keep up with. TruckingOffice was created to provide an easier way to manage your recordkeeping and deadline issues.
How TruckingOffice Can Help
Our TruckingOffice software was designed to simplify and organize all administrative aspects of your business. We track your invoices, dispatches, fuel purchases, mileage, vehicle maintenance, and more. Your miles are calculated automatically using PC*Miler. All of your information is safe and can be accessed by you anytime, from any computer. If you want to save time and money, contact us. You’ll discover how hundreds of truckers are enjoying freedom from the hassles of paperwork with our help. Start filing your IFTA the easy way today!