Load Planning Software
Pro Feature
When you are running a busy trucking business, you are juggling a lot of loads. You have all the details you need on some of them, but sometimes you start with a rough itinerary and a little details. The Load Planner makes it easy for you to capture what information you do have all in one place. Once the details have settled, you can start a dispatch and pick off the loads you want. Fleet management solutions by Trucking Office help keep track of all necessary information; check out how it can help you today.
- Capture all the data you have for a load. If you just have a date and customer, it will take it.
- Track the state of the loads that you need to follow up on.
- Makes it easier to plan which trucks will take which loads.
- Never lose track of a load.
- Matches the workflow of many small trucking companies.
- Gives you another level of control as you decide how to run your trucks.