IFTA Audits Don’t Scare Us

IFTA Audits Don’t Scare Us

The envelope looks normal, but the letter inside freezes your insides. It’s not good news. Hands trembling, the news can’t possibly be worse. Bring the records to prove miles per state and fuel purchases for two years ago. Fines and penalties will apply....
Trucking Management Software And ELD

Trucking Management Software And ELD

It’s that time of year again. Either your trucking business is picking up a lot more freight – or loads are disappearing. It just depends on what you’re hauling. Not only that, the contracts for your ELD may be expiring soon, so you’re faced...
Get Your Truck Ready for Fall

Get Your Truck Ready for Fall

The first day of fall was last week. Not that you could tell here in northeastern Ohio. We’re having a late summer – just the time to get ready for the weather that’s to come. When is it better to get your truck ready for fall? Do it while the sun is...
Average Costs and Average Spot Rates

Average Costs and Average Spot Rates

We got some reports recently that confirmed what we thought: Truckers and trucking are in trouble. Average costs for a trucking company and the average spot rates aren’t at the same place at all. So what do truckers need to do to make money in trucking? We have...
You Need an ELOG

You Need an ELOG

If you’re new to trucking, you’re learning a lot of the shorthand terms we use for equipment and taxes we have to pay. IFTA is the International Fuel Tax. HVUT is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. ELD is the Electronic Logging Device. HOS is Hours of Service. SOL...
Brake Safety Week CVSA

Brake Safety Week CVSA

We know there are drivers who conveniently take their summer vacation whenever the CVSA Safety Check is scheduled. This month, we have the CVSA Brake Safety Week inspections scheduled for August 25-31. Brake Safety is Highway Safety TruckingOffice trucking management...
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