Running an IFTA Report

Running an IFTA Report

For a lot of owner-operators and company drivers, it is a bit complex to understand the (IFTA) International Fuel Tax Agreement. Drivers who have knowledge of the history of IFTA and the reason as to why it was developed, believe they will be able to make more...
IFTA and TMS Together

IFTA and TMS Together

Some things just go together. Like peanut butter and jelly. Or, peanut butter and chocolate.  And, peanut butter and bananas… I’m sensing a trend here. You know what else goes together?  IFTA and TMS. What is IFTA? Who Needs to File IFTA Reports? How Do...
How Does the IFTA Fuel Tax Work?

How Does the IFTA Fuel Tax Work?

The IFTA stands for the International Fuel Tax Agreement. It is an agreement between the lower 48 states in the U.S. and 10 provinces in Canada which simplifies fuel tax reporting. Trucking companies travel between jurisdictions on a daily basis. Without this...
How to Apply for Your IRP Plates

How to Apply for Your IRP Plates

Those of us who are old enough remember the back of trucks being a wall of license plates. A trucker had to purchase plates for every state. That was back when truckers had to manage their trucking businesses with ledger books! In the 21st century, we have computer...
IFTA Shortcuts

IFTA Shortcuts

Do you know any good IFTA shortcuts? GPS doesn’t always know best. LIke my drive home – the GPS always tells me to turn onto one street that’s right beside two schools.  Turning left there can take 10 minutes if you’re there right after school lets out....
IFTA Calculator Blues

IFTA Calculator Blues

It’s the first of July.  Do you have IFTA Calculator blues? IFTA and Maintenance  There’s a school of thought that says you don’t replace a part until one minute before it breaks. Only problem with that mindset is… you have to know when that minute is and...
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