Happy ELD Mandate New Year?

Happy ELD Mandate New Year?

It’s been a year since the mandate for electronic logging devices was put into effect.  How’s your year been with it?  Has the ELD mandate changed how you drive?  (Of course it has.) ELD Mandate and Your Trucking Business Since the ELD mandate took effect,...

Reduce Your Fuel Taxes Now with IFTA Software

I’ll bet you’re not even thinking about your IFTA right now.  Most truckers can barely keep up with the loads they’ve got to haul before the holidays – they’re not thinking about anything else right now.  So why are we even talking about...
Your IFTA Is Due

Your IFTA Is Due

It’s almost Halloween and your IFTA is due.  Which is scarier? Your IFTA is due on October 31.  Are you ready? All those numbers you’ve been saving up since July 1st.  It’s crunch time, as in it’s time to crunch the numbers. If a trucker is...
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