by TruckingOffice | Jan 14, 2019 | IFTA, IFTA Filing, Trucking Software
IFTA was created to help truckers file their fuel taxes faster. IFTA the Old Fashioned Way It used to be that if a trucker drove through a state, the trucker needed a license on the vehicle and paid local fuel taxes to each state individually. For long-distance...
by TruckingOffice | Jan 7, 2019 | IFTA, IFTA Filing, Trucking Software
Did you have a good holiday season? Now that we’re into the New Year and the slower transportation season, and the IFTA is due in on January 31, maybe you’re working on your trucking business resolutions – especially about the IFTA. Trucking...
by TruckingOffice | Dec 31, 2018 | ELD
It’s been a year since the mandate for electronic logging devices was put into effect. How’s your year been with it? Has the ELD mandate changed how you drive? (Of course it has.) ELD Mandate and Your Trucking Business Since the ELD mandate took effect,...
by TruckingOffice | Dec 20, 2018 | Trucking Software
The Best Owner-Operator Christmas gift At this time of year, all the family members of owner-operator truckers are trying to find the best gift for them. And they’re probably looking at Amazon right now trying to pick out the best gift for you. When a...
by TruckingOffice | Dec 17, 2018 | IFTA, Taxes
IFTA is one of the biggest pains of trucking. Requiring detailed mile tracking, tedious paperwork and worse, tons of money in taxes, it’s typically a driver’s most loathed part of the job —understandably so. Until recently, there was just no way to make it easier....
by TruckingOffice | Dec 10, 2018 | Trucking Software
Where did November go? If you’re like a lot of truckers, November was more miles than October and December is looking pretty good too. All that holiday shipping makes a big difference. So maybe you haven’t thought about next year’s IFTA sticker...
by TruckingOffice | Dec 3, 2018 | IFTA, Taxes
I’ll bet you’re not even thinking about your IFTA right now. Most truckers can barely keep up with the loads they’ve got to haul before the holidays – they’re not thinking about anything else right now. So why are we even talking about...
by TruckingOffice | Nov 26, 2018 | Customer Development, DOT Rules and Regulations, IFTA, IRP, Reports, Trucking Software
Cyber Monday – where every online company has sales to push this one day of the year. We’re not going to miss it either. TruckingOffice CYBER MONDAY SALE Whether you’re looking for yourself or the trucker in your life, trucking management software is...
by TruckingOffice | Nov 5, 2018 | ELD, Electronic Logging Device
It’s almost been a year since the electronic logging device mandate took place. Truckers are still hauling loads. Things are different, that’s for sure. It’s time to ask the question, “Is your ELD working for you?” Is your ELD working...
by TruckingOffice | Oct 29, 2018 | IFTA Filing, Trucking Software
It’s almost Halloween and your IFTA is due. Which is scarier? Your IFTA is due on October 31. Are you ready? All those numbers you’ve been saving up since July 1st. It’s crunch time, as in it’s time to crunch the numbers. If a trucker is...
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